Get to know the Archpriest Basilica of Morella.
The Basilica
A living space over time
Cultural visit
Get to know the Basilica and its heritage
The Basilica
A living space over time
Cultural visit
Get to know the Basilica and its heritage
the basilica
The temple begins its life in the transition from Romanesque to Gothic, in the last third of the 13th century. The nakedness of the vaulted walls transforms the space into a movement of interiorization and elevation of the spirit in an extraordinary experience. What stand out are the choir, the access staircase, the two portals, the main altarpiece and the organ.
But don’t stop at the introduction, move on to learn more!

the museum
permanent exhibition
Over time, our ancestors have left us a very interesting legacy that we have on display in some of the altars of the temple and in the different rooms of the permanent exhibition.
A living space over time
Historical timeline
1311: First blessing of the temple
The first blessing was performed in 1311, although the works and improvements still had to continue for much longer.
You are looking at a basilica building with three naves with three polygonal apses located to the east of the church. The roof is cross-vaulted and throughout the construction the horizontal lines predominate over the vertical following the construction tradition of the temples of the time in the Crown of Aragon.
XIV century: The Door of the Apostles
The Arciprestal Basilica of Santa Maria de Morella has on the main facade the portal of the Apostles, presided over, in the mainell, by the Virgin Mary with the Child, above we see the scenes of the Infancy of Jesus and on the tympanum the Coronation of Mary ( 14th century), has a wooden door and Mudejar-style nails.
Early 15th century: The choir
Choir: A beautiful and singular architectural example, with a Gothic vault with an extremely lowered cross, defying the laws of architecture. Work of Pere Segarra from Morellà. Central vault key with the Virgin Mary flanked by angels and secondary keys with beautiful Gothic canopies.
Back choir: Admirable architectural and sculptural work. The first frieze is presided over by Jesus Christ the judge, flanked by the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Apostle, accompanied by the twelve apostles, archaic images of polychrome stone. Below we find the frieze of the Last Judgment where in the center is Saint Michael the Archangel weighing the souls. To his right is represented the legion of saints on the way to heaven; on the left, demons and the damned on the way to Hell.
15th century: stairs of the choir
Singular display of a wide helical spiral staircase, work of Antoni Sancho in the 15th century. On the rail, made of hardened, gilded and polychrome plaster, the Genealogy of Our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted in relief, which ends with the scene of the Adoration of the Shepherds and the Magi. The flight of the stairs is decorated with plant and animal motifs, showing a face, probably a portrait of the author of the railing, the Italian Giuseppe Belli.
17th-18th centuries: the high altar altarpiece
Grand altarpiece in Churrigueresco style (17th century), sculptural work by Vicent Dols and paintings by Pau Pontons (Aaron, Melchizedek, Trinity, Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, St. Julian, St. Theodore, First Mass in Morella, Delivery of the Lignum Crucis, 17th-18th century) and Joan Francesc Cruella (Assumption of Mary, 19th century).
13th-19th centuries: the works of art on display
Side altars: The long history of the Morellà temple has accumulated a large number of artistic works, among which we can highlight: the Piety, the Trinity with the Sagrada Família, Sant Pere, the altarpiece of Santa Àgueda de la Pobleta, the so- called Sargues with the Nativity and Assumption of the Virgin, Saint Christopher, the so-called Madonna of Sassoferrato, the Visitation, Saint Catherine and the remains of the stone altarpiece of Saint Vincent and Saint Lawrence.
Exhibition: Set of works of art, heritage of many of the parishes of Els Ports. In the sacristy, as soon as we enter we find the Holy Cena, the work of Espinosa. On the ground floor, pictorial works made between the 17th and 19th centuries are exhibited. On the first floor we find the pieces of goldsmithing, among which the monumental custodians stand out and, especially, a collection of Gothic crosses made in Morella and owned by different parishes in the region. On the second floor we can see several textile pieces of liturgical use, the Pieta altarpiece (15th century), a table of the resurrection and different tables and reliefs from the old side altars.
1311: First blessing of the temple
You are looking at a basilica building with three naves with three polygonal apses located to the east of the church. The roof is cross-vaulted and throughout the construction the horizontal lines predominate over the vertical following the construction tradition of the temples of the time in the Crown of Aragon.
XIV century: The Door of the Apostles
Early 15th century: The choir
Back choir: Admirable architectural and sculptural work. The first frieze is presided over by Jesus Christ the judge, flanked by the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Apostle, accompanied by the twelve apostles, archaic images of polychrome stone. Below we find the frieze of the Last Judgment where in the center is Saint Michael the Archangel weighing the souls. To his right is represented the legion of saints on the way to heaven; on the left, demons and the damned on the way to Hell.
15th century: stairs of the choir
17th-18th centuries: the high altar altarpiece
13th-19th centuries: the works of art on display
Exhibition: Set of works of art, heritage of many of the parishes of Els Ports. In the sacristy, as soon as we enter we find the Holy Cena, the work of Espinosa. On the ground floor, pictorial works made between the 17th and 19th centuries are exhibited. On the first floor we find the pieces of goldsmithing, among which the monumental custodians stand out and, especially, a collection of Gothic crosses made in Morella and owned by different parishes in the region. On the second floor we can see several textile pieces of liturgical use, the Pieta altarpiece (15th century), a table of the resurrection and different tables and reliefs from the old side altars.